Your Voice. Your Story. Your Gift.
Our Love. Our Time. Our Expertise.
You Write. You Compile. You Promote.
We Release. We Train. We Support.
You Keep All Rights and Revenue,
and Enjoy a Non-Exclusive Publishing Agreement!
About BePublished.Org
Thank you for researching BePublished.Org. Formed by two media and public relations professionals in 2003, BePublished.Org has helped a multitude of people of various backgrounds and ages embark on the path of the professional artist.
We begin by turning your original manuscript into a finalized one that is standardized and formatted for store-quality book printing. We can also train you to work with the budget you have to generate sales, even if you "have nothing" to invest in marketing. Those only reveal the spine comprising our book of efficient services. In addition to that array of services, we also provide new authors the support needed to improve writing and editing skills, work within the book business, deliver audience addresses, and have successful contact with the media.
After reviewing our page of frequently asked questions, feel free to call (972) 880-8316 for a FREE 10-minute consultation to answer basic questions about options specific to your project. Please make a list of all questions you would like to ask prior to your call, and remember to take notes during your phoner. This allows you to gain the most from your consultation (whether the consultation is free or is one of the longer ones requiring a fee be paid in advance). You may also communicate with us by completing the form below or sending us a message via email [publisher@bepublished.org].
So, why keep asking how to be published or saying you want to be published, when you can be published here today? Why settle for dreaming of being an author when you've kept what you've written over the years, or you've written the new messages that you have been charged with sharing, and you are in a position to be published immediately? Retaining our staff is where your procrastination ends and moving forward begins!
For more than a decade, the passion of the BePublished.Org staff has been helping people just like us get inspired works (literary art and visual art) published and promoted. When needed, we will type the manuscript you supply to us for just $1 per page (plus the fee for your selected services/publishing package).
Achieve your dream of authorship today! BePublished, and establish a legacy of informing generations and posterity! We look forward to helping you add "author" to your list of achievements very soon!
Are you a satisfied customer? Submit a Testimonial to your SPA today via email.
"When my daughter surprised me by getting my written messages to the youth published, I was amazed to see the product and read my own words. But when she also had you to help facilitate my first book signing, the event was so magnificent that I made very good money that night and felt like a proud dad for months." -- George A. Johnson, Jr., Author of GET REAL: Open Your Eyes
"I wanted to write a book all my life, but I didn't know what to do until I retired and happened to get your card from a clerk at a Christian book store and called you. I did everything you said do, and in no time my book was in my hand and I was telling everybody to buy it. At my first signing (a weekend festival in Memphis) I sold around 80 books. Adding in everything, I have already sold over 125 books using your teachings in just these few months since my book was released. a few people even bought online. You are a blessing, and you really know your stuff!" -- Duz Mack, Author of WAKE UP BLACK MAN: Your Future Is Calling You
"My book looks awesome! How did you get the artist to let me use that painting for my cover? You are the writers' best friend. Miracle worker! Thank you for making my poetry available for the world to access, and for setting up and hosting my charitable book signing for Katrina victims. I can only thank God my daughter met the angel we call you." -- Early Furs, Author of GLORY
"Good design BePublished.Org. You're the best break for artists, you can rest assured (like the sea does)." -- Bouppy Tonday, future author
"Being a performing hip-hop artist for years, I knew the struggle of putting out my CDs and thought it would be a fight to formalize my first book in the exact way I wanted it to be. But thanks to the ancestors and you, my TRIBUTE project was completed in record time and my book can be purchased along with my CD at my shows (or alone online anywhere on the globe)!" -- M.P.E.R.O.R., Author of Tribute To The Black Woman
"I never felt I was good enough, but now I know I matter and I am divine. You not only helped me fulfill a dream of mine, you also helped me find my true self and connect deeper with singing and making jewelry. There is no better company for any artist to use for book publishing because you give clients so much more than a product." -- BeaShawnda, Author of Daring To Be Different
WANT TO MEET AT OUR OFFICE FOR A SECONDARY OR IN-PERSON CONSULTATION? Pre-pay $150 online for your consultation via PayPal, then call (972) 880-8316 so we may arrange the ideal time to meet with you to further discuss the details of your project. The address to our DOWNTOWN CHICAGO office is 70 W. Madison. Our exact suite number will be provided to you upon scheduling meeting time and date.