Are you a senior seeking a lifestyle club that's centered around you? The Sitting Room is the place where savvy seniors socialize, get merchandise, and event invites!

If you're a senior and you'd like to form a community village or publish a book, cd or movie, our sister company BePublished.org will help you too. Even if you want to publish your own work by yourself, call 972-880-8316 for your free initial consultation. Have your questions written down so you can optimize your one free strategy session with "America's Best Self-Publishing Assistance Firm."

THE SITTING ROOM is an adult social club that celebrates being "senior, savvy and supreme" in 21st Century America. Catering to those aged 55+ to keep them engaged; make sure they're active; and help them age in place.
Among the ways we accomplish this grand feat is by helping seniors organize among themselves and tap into available services from organizations and businesses that already exist in their communities. We also help seniors access municipal and federal services including providing assistance completing state, federal, city and county applications for benefits. Additionally, we work with area health organizations to make accessible services including triage, massage, exercise, and vaccination services. What many love most are our 1-on-1 and group technology classes that focus on computer usage, utilizing the internet and social media safely, and using smart phones.
Because so much needs to be done that requires funds, we also work with sister organizations to pool funds, have games and events, take day trips, share knowledge, take group vacations, and meet as a group to simply have fun on a regular basis. Whether virtually or in person during a social-distancing/mask event, we do all we can to give seniors the support they need in all ways possible.
THE SITTING ROOM does not strive to be like any existing "seniors' groupp." We do, however, support seniors' clubs and organizations assisting disabled individuals by sharing information about their meet and greets, attending some of their parties, and hosting them at our venues during events thrown by existtng groups in Chicago (IL), Dallas/Fort Worth (TX), and Jackson (MS).
THE SITTING ROOM hosts an annual pageant that includes a Talent Competition and online voting. Winners receive a trophy and crown. Keep your ears and eyes tuned for a competition near you. In the meantime, feel free to participate in any of the other events that we've helped other seniors organize.
Register as a member today to receive discount admission to THE SITTING ROOM's events, seminars and workshops.
All reservations and paid registrations (RSVPs) for each events must be received no later than 5 days prior to the event date. No same-day RSVPs are accepted.
1. No one under the age of 55 allowed except as volunteer or provider
2. No photography/videography/recording/telephones allowed during health sessions
3. Bring your own necessities (no illegal or hard drugs allowed)
4. Number of seniors allowed at events is limited in acknowledgment of COVID-19 safety regulations.
5. Every in-person visitor or event participant must wear a mask and complete "Health Disclosure Form" upon entry to assure they pass the CDC's COVID-19 screener prior to receiving any service(s).
6. All men and women must me respectful when interacting with others or in the vicinity of others.
7. All men and women must be fully clothed and wear both shoes at all times (as well as must change into gym shoes before entering certain rooms).
8. Adults must be honest when providing information for completion of applications and other official forms.
9. Only once can someone ask you to engage in any particular activity with together. If you've said "No," it is up to you to approach that person to let them know you are now interested in saying "Yes" if they are still interested in engaging in said activity with you (e.g., karaoke, chess, bid whist, etc.).
10. Always look out for the safety of yourself and those around you, but do not worry and do make it a point to utilize the support services available.
11. Always alert your physician(s) about your plans to engage in any activity we offer prior to your actually taking part.
12. Always alert our staffers if you are having a medical emergency and need us to call 911 for you while you are on our premises.
13. When using the computers or watching television/movies, please be courteous and keep the volume at a level that does not filter into other rooms. Also, remember to share the time and access to devices.
14. Always leave things the way you found it or in better condition. If you see there is something that needs cleaning or repair, immediately alert our staff members. If you need a blind raise, ask us to do it for you. If you bring something in, be sure to take it with you.
15. Always clean up after yourself once you're done eating and using the restroom.