“A righteous man falls down seven times and gets up.”
King Solomon, Proverbs, 24:16
Retain one of our speakers and tell us your topic so we may arrange to address your group today!
30-minute address
Non-Profit Organization - $500
Other Group - $800
Corporation - $1,500
60-minute address
NPO - $1k
OG - $2k
CORP - $3k
Don’t keep letting life defeat or limit you. When you know there is more than one way to accomplish a goal, you have a higher likelihood of achieving it!
Submit your formal request for LIFE’S PURPOSE MINISTRIES to make a donation on your behalf to a religious institution recently added to our network! Dr. Mary or Min. Tamara will submit your nomination for your honorary degree in 1 of 37 disciplines to be bestowed today!
Email your resume, biography, work samples, or website link(s) along with phone number to ministers@bepublished.org after you remit your non-refundable payment online via PayPal or Square.
You should then call or text 312-899-6237 or 972-880-8316 to confirm your order was received. Within 48 hours after your order is received, you will initially be contacted by a MINISTER on our staff who will confirm the data you emailed and interview you for 10 minutes so we may draft your nomination summary for you.
You will next be contacted by a LPM minister notifying you when the donation has been made to a church/seminary/college on your behalf. The third contact from LIFE’S PURPOSE MINISTRIES announces that your degree has been bestowed and mailed by a legitimate American institution. Electronic degrees are usually emailed to you within 3-4 weeks. Printed degrees usually arrive to your shipping address in 6-8 weeks.
If you would prefer your degree from more prestigious institutions, including Ivy League colleges and universities, let us know when you call us. We know of several such schools that award honorary degrees as long as the donated amount exceeds $10k in one case and $25k in a few others. The rest all require donations so substantial that we couldn't find the info online and no one with the colleges would tell us what was paid by former presidents and other dignitaries for their honorary degrees. Go figure!
Order your Honorary Master's Degree now!
PP - https://www.paypal.me/bepublished/555
SC - https://www.cash.me/$bepublished/555
Order your Honorary Doctoral Degree today!
PP - https://www.paypal.me/bepublished/777
SC - https://www.cash.me/$bepublished/777
Order both the Honorary Master's & Doctorate!
PP - https://www.paypal.me/bepublished/999
SC - https://www.cash.me/$bepublished/999