dr. mary m. jefferson
From companies that help clients turn their lives around to those implementing methods that directly fulfill dreams and optimize living, DR. MARY M. JEFFERSON is proud to showcase all of the businesses and initiatives core to our operations. You already know that if you're trying to get your business revived or started, THE CONGLOMERATE is your one-stop-shop and BEPUBLISHED.ORG is the clearinghouse for releasing books, movies and music. But, did you know you can also purchase wellness products or arrange travel here (among other things, such as owning stake in the BOUJEE CONNOISSEUR castle )? Check out each of Dr. Jefferson's businesses to determine which one renders the service you need today. You will also notice companies that offer products and services you and your loved ones will need/want in the future.


Whether you're seeking a life coach or business consultant, THE CONGLOMERATE has the staff to assist you with everything you need to start the business of your dreams! We also offer services that include building websites, establishing professional office locations, and providing virtual assistance for an array of tasks.
The Writers Consortium
Want to hire a ghostwriter? Need academic writing assistance? Seeking help editing or proofreading?
THE WRITERS CONSORTIUM can write, proofread and edit for you.

Filmed your movie, recorded your songs, or wrote a book you want published, BEPUBLISHED.ORG can make your creation accessible to viewers / listeners / readers today.
Want to get the 7-13 recommended servings of vegetables or desire to grow your own?
Looking to book reliable travel, lodging or car rentals with national and international companies?
Want to start your own travel, promotions, ticket agency, or wellness company with a low buy-in?
PEOPLEWARMER is where you want to visit first.
www.PeopleWarmer.com - Travel/Opulent Excursions & Vegan/Wellness Products
Need a publicist or would just like to have someone experienced to handle media relations, events planning or public relations for you or your business? Do you have videos or a channel you'd like to monetize on YouTube? PEOPLEWARMERS has you covered.
www.PeopleWarmers.com - Media/Public Relations

minister of love (marryusnow)
Planning a wedding? Seeking an inexpensive officiant to oversee the exchange of vows and sign marriage license? The "Minister of Love" at MARRYUSNOW.US performs short, non-religious ceremonies in Chicago for couples of all backgrounds.

The Artist Revue
​Paintings / sketches / sculptures you've created just piling up? Been rehearsing your show but need a place to perform?
THE ARTIST REVUE can organize and market your art exhibits and performances.

Regal city isc
Want to pool money with others to make investments and purchases?
REGAL CITY INVESTMENT & SOCIAL CLUB awaits your membership.

articulation RADIO
Dreaming of having a professional voice artist to record your phone greeting, sing/ad-lib at the studio, broadcast your message, or perform live with you at your gig, ARTICULATION can assist you with vocal delivery.

Jefferson taylor
Want to hire a "Yes Girl" to arrange the activities surrounding the moment you pop the big question? Looking for promotional/editorial/runway models for your event or to showcase your new fashions in a show? Or, just want a new place to shop for quality products at a fair price online? JEFFERSON TAYLOR exists to assist you. Visit our store and shop today.
JeffersonTaylor.club (enter password rakray to view site)

the sitting room
If you're 55+ and need to wind down or be engaged to help you age in place among peers, THE SITTING ROOM can arrange private parties for you and grant you entry to our events and activities celebrating being a "Savvy Senior in the 21st Century."

elite values news
Need media exposure for an endeavor or know someone who should be profiled for others to celebrate, ELITE VALUES NEWS has reporters and photographers ready to profile you. Check out back issues at EliteValuesNews.com.

life's purpose ministries
Need a motivational speaker to address your group of teens/adults/employees, LIFE'S PURPOSE MINISTRIES has achievers and ministers longing to inspire on your behalf. LifesPurposeMinistries.com

boujee conoisseur & discreet treats
Want to be on the forefront of something new? Join BOUJEE CONOISSEUR, the private club of upscale adults who pay a one-year membership fee to access exclusive properties for lodging and events, benefit from premium hospitality services, and attend BYOB/BYOC gatherings that include celebrity appearances -- all at a discounted rate. Members are also able to receive one free Make-It-Take-It sack from DISCREET TREATS per year. Open to adults only, this BYOC/BYOB candy shop lets visitors make their own edibles using our ingredients and their cannabis or liquor. It will open in 2025. Investment opportunities exist via www.RegalCity.xyz.